Artistic image showing in grayscale a 3D virtual slices representation of the chip. Image: PSI
以灰度显示芯片的 3D 虚拟切片表示的艺术图像。图片:PSI

Researchers from the University of Southern California, as well as the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland have invented a new non-destructive technique to reverse engineer an entire chip without damaging it. The technique is called ptychographic X-ray laminography and is actually an upgrade to a technique called ptychographic computed tomography that the researchers first announced in 2017.
来自南加州大学、瑞士联邦理工学院和瑞士 Paul Scherrer 研究所 (PSI) 的研究人员发明了一种新的非破坏性技术,可以对整个芯片进行逆向工程而不损坏它。该技术被称为叠层 X 射线层析成像,实际上是研究人员于 2017 年首次宣布的叠层计算机断层扫描技术的升级版。

What Is Ptychographic X-ray Laminography?
什么是叠层 X 射线断层扫描?

According to the researchers, the ptychographic X-ray laminography is the only non-destructive technique that doesn’t require cutting up the chip. The technology allows for the imaging of the entire chip and to zoom into specific areas.

In comparison, existing reverse engineering technologies require taking a chip apart layer by layer and mapping them using different imaging techniques such as optical microscopy for the larger elements to electron microscopy for the smallest ones.

Talking about the ptychographic X-ray laminography technology, professor of electrical and computer engineering at University of Southern California Anthony F. J. Levi, told IEEE Spectrum that:
南加州大学电气与计算机工程系教授 Anthony F. J. Levi 在谈到叠层 X 射线层析技术时,对 IEEE Spectrum 表示:

“It’s the only approach to non-destructive reverse engineering of electronic chips—[and] not just reverse engineering but assurance that chips are manufactured according to design. You can identify the foundry, aspects of the design, who did the design. It’s like a fingerprint.”

Ptychographic X-ray laminography could reveal the metal parts of an inverter [right]. Showing a good match for the circuit [middle, left]. Image: PSI

The researchers’ prior technique had to use too many x-rays, which wouldn’t result in a very clear image of the chip. The new technique can shoot the x-rays at an angle (61 degrees to be exact) but still loses some chip information. 
研究人员之前的技术必须使用太多的 X 射线,这不会产生非常清晰的芯片图像。新技术可以以一定角度(准确地说是 61 度)发射 X 射线,但仍然会丢失一些芯片信息。

However, these gaps can be filled by knowing what type of interconnects are supposed to be in those specific locations. Knowing the design rules of the chip before starting the process can allow for the use of even fewer photons, so the final image should be even more clear with less information loss.

What Are the Implications For This New Technology?

The technology could have all sorts of implications, such as allowing integrated circuit designers to verify if a chip matches its promised specifications. 

Another benefit could be that having a cheaper way to reverse engineer chips would allow new entrants in the chip market to study the incumbents’ designs and then compete more effectively in the market. Reverse engineering is generally not illegal, but the new technology may not exactly make the chip incumbents happy that it exists.

Furthermore, easier and cheaper ways to reverse engineer chips would also allow for the finding of more security flaws in hardware. Intel may not be able to catch a break anytime soon, even with the new hardware mitigations it’s researching.

Using such technology, governments that don’t trust chipmakers from other countries could also more easily discover if a chip has a hidden backdoor in it, or not. There was recently a large controversy started by a Bloomberg report about a possible backdoor in Supermicro’s motherboards. 
使用这种技术,不信任其他国家芯片制造商的政府也可以更容易地发现芯片中是否存在隐藏的后门。最近,彭博社的一篇关于 Supermicro 主板可能存在后门的报道引发了一场大争议。

The story was controversial because many experts wanted to see more evidence that what Bloomberg was reporting was real. If a non-destructive reverse engineering technology would have been available and easily accessible by many of the chipmakers’ own customers or even security researchers, it would have been easier to get to the bottom of the story and find out if the allegation was true or not.

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